(Deut. 6; Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4). The testimony of history until very modern times is that parents have been the primary teachers and instructors of their children. It is a fairly modern norm that parents are to send their children away every day for eight hours so someone else can teach and instruct them. What has developed as a side effect of this new norm is that parents do the same thing not only intellectually, but spiritually. Since parents trust professionals to teach their children what they need to know, they just as well trust the professionals to guide their children's spiritual lives. But the thing is, Pastors and teachers exist to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4). So, as a pastor, that's what I want to seek to do. I want to equip you, the parent, to be the primary disciple maker of your kid.
Children love books, and parents love to read books to their children. Bed time is the perfect time to sit down and read together before you tuck your little one in. We can read "Goodnight Moon" or "Is Your Momma a Llama?" or we can utilize that God-given opportunity to disciple our children and start to create in them a yearning for Truth.
Now, I'm not saying that we ditch all secular children's books. I am saying that Now is the optimal time for you to have your child. God has been working through so many of His followers to create beautiful, child-captivating, Jesus-exalting, Truth-proclaiming, creative works of art for you to use to draw your child to Jesus. Each of these that I will recommend for you to start your child's theology library are not only edifying for your child, but they are powerfully meaningful to every adult that reads them. So, let's start to build a library.
There are primarily two Storybook Bibles that I recommend for you to use with your children. And I HIGHLY recommend these Bibles. When your child is small, these Storybook Bibles are the perfect tool to create in them a yearning for the Word of God and to come to know the redemptive framework of the entirety of Scripture. If you are not using these, you are missing out.
1. The Jesus Storybook Bible
This is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and is a favorite to all who have ever heard even one story from it. Her creativity in expressing the stories of the Bible are both beautiful and make the truths come alive. The writing is knowledgeable, not taking too much creative liberty in speaking where the Bible doesn't speak, but rather fills the story line as a master expositor would. The best part of this book is the end of every story. It's all about Jesus. "Every story whispers His name." You will be left in tears while reading these stories to your children, thinking on the redemption that Jesus has brought to you and offers to your child. Tim Keller says, “I would urge not just families with young children to get this book, but every Christian—from pew warmers, to ministry leaders, seminarians and even theologians!"
2. The Gospel Story Bible
Marty Machowski is solid. Any children's material that he develops, whether a book, a storybook Bible, a devotional, or entire curriculum, is among the absolute best of discipleship materials for children. This Bible is similar to the Jesus Storybook Bible in that its goal is that "you and your family will meet Jesus and learn a new, life-changing way of recognizing Christ as the hero of every story." A brilliant feature that sets this apart from other sources is its discussion questions and Scripture references at the end of every story. This Bible facilitates family devotional time so well. Randy Stinson, Dean of the School of Church Ministries at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has this to say about Machowski's work: "Reaching the generations with the gospel requires an enormous amount of parental wisdom and intentionality. Marty Machowski has provided a great tool to aid parents in their primary task of discipling their children. Not only that but The Gospel Story Bible presents the grand story line of Christ in all of Scripture. Every parent should have a copy."
This is just a starter list. I will add more as I review them. Some are longer than others and are suited for different ages. I am presenting them in the order of my personal favorites.
1. The Ology
This is THE BEST family discipleship resource that I have ever seen. It is yet another masterful work by Marty Machowski. "The Ology is a beautifully illustrated storybook that clearly explains transformative truths from the Bible. Within a traditional systematic theological framework, each truth is connected to the larger redemptive story of Scripture. The doctrine of God, for example, is presented in the larger framework of creation, where the attributes of God are on display and easier to understand. The addition of Bible references that support the truths in each spread and questions for further discussion make this a resource that families can use with all of their children. Families who read this book will be giving their children a gift that will last a lifetime—a solid foundation of biblical truth that will point them to the God who loves them and gave himself for them."
As with other projects of Machowski, Sovereign Grace Music has teamed up with The Ology to produce a brilliant musical album for children. It is beyond worth listening to (for adults too)!
2. Miracle Man
John Hendrix is an artist. He is a brilliant artist. He is also a Christian. The wonder and brilliance with which Hendrix animates these stories of Jesus is what makes this book so wonderful. When flipping to a page of all white, with Jesus carrying His cross across the page, my heart dropped to my stomach and tears welled in my eyes. There was no text on this page. It was simply Jesus, suffering for me. This is what Hendrix's art in Miracle Man does. It brings the stories of Jesus to life. While there is brevity of text and little theology (only covering some of Jesus' miracles), the phenomenal artwork is what put Miracle Man so high on my list.
3. The Biggest Story
Kevin DeYoung is among the most brilliant of theologians and pastors. Once I found out that he had a children's book, I knew it would be theologically robust yet appealing to the intended audience. It is amazing! The artist has accompanied his words with bright, beautiful images that really bring the story to life. "In this book, he gives children an overview of the Bible’s entire redemptive storyline—beginning with creation, ending with new creation, and centering on Jesus, the “Snake Crusher."" This book also has a short film that brings the book animations to life and is read by Kevin DeYoung.
Matt and Lauren Chandler have this to say about the book: “The Biggest Story is a delight to the eyes, ears, and hearts of its readers. With rich illustrations and even richer text, the biggest and best story is presented in all of its vivid colors—every dark shade and every bright tone. Parent and child alike will feel the ache of the fallenness of human nature and the comfort of an always-faithful God. From our family to yours, we wholeheartedly commend this book!”
4. The Garden, The Curtain and the Cross
Carl Laferton has produced a brilliant and beautiful work of theology. The approach he takes is a systematic one, looking at the redemptive narrative of the Bible, yet it is also a pointed and specific approach, masterfully showing why we are separated from God yet how God has brought us back in relationship with Him through Jesus. It is an easy and short read yet rich in theology and beautiful to the eyes. You can watch the story read before you purchase it or simply to play it for your child!
Here is what Albert Mohler, President of the The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has to say about this book: “Faithful, theologically rich children's books are a rare treat in Christian publishing. Laferton has provided us one of the best little treatments of biblical theology available for parents to read to their children. The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross not only teaches children stories in the Bible but the story of the Bible - one that culminates in the atoning work of Jesus Christ who gives broken sinners access to God. This book is a tremendous resource for parents and children who want to better understand the grand storyline of Scripture.”
You can be forgiven and made right with God. He loves you and gave Himself for you.
Let me know how I can pray for you!