Be You (Shine)

Be You - Shine

God has been doing a unique work in my heart recently. So many of us walk around with masks on. Even if they are those partial, little, “I’m going to the ball,” froo froo masks. So many of us walk around with masks on. God is wooing me to take mine off. To be me. The real me. All the time.

I’m learning how to do this, and God is helping me. I’m a goofy/silly/weird/crazy/inagoodwayihope kind of person, but only those who are the closest to me know the full extent of my goofy/silly/weird/crazy/inagoodwayihopeishness. I believe God has hardwired that into my personality, so I don’t need to hide it with a froo froo ballroom mask. I need to be me. The me God made me to be.

I’m learning to walk out my walk with Christ as Jacob. No longer will I try to be Spurgeon or Schaeffer or Mueller or Pastor Bob (the lead pastor where I currently co-pastor) or Superman. Just kidding. I will still try to be Superman. Not Clark Kent. Superman.

I need to be me. The me God made me to be. I can learn tremendous things from these great men of faith, things that will allow me to walk in greater holiness and things that will bring greater fruit to ministry, but I must walk it out as me, not them.

You know, I’ve learned recently that there is no such thing as normal. Normal isn’t even a thing. The only normal that exists are the norms that God has set up in His Word. All other norms aren’t real. They are all subjective. So, why would I try to be normal? Why would I not be me?

So, I am going to be me, and I am going to shine obnoxiously bright.

I preached from Matthew 5:14-16 last night. Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world. He says that the world will see our good works and give glory to our Father who is in heaven. I have always thought that this verse means simply to spread the gospel. That is true. How can someone glorify the Father if they have never heard of the Father? We must shine our light with our words. But, I came to understand this passage in a new light. And, it’s congruent with what God is doing in my heart right now.

This passage is saying to shine our light with our way of life. It says that the world will see our “good deeds,” and that will lead to their glorifying our Father. The deeds are not just good in themselves though, like Superman/me helping a kitten out of a tree. John MacArthur talks about this phrase in this way:

“Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works.” He’s saying, “Let it shine.” That’s all; it’s a simple message. Let your good deeds, kalos, good in terms of beauty, the manifest beauty. It is not that they are just good in and of themselves, but they have a beauty and attractiveness about them, they are winsome. In other words, “Let men see your winsomeness; let them see your beauty and attractiveness, your quality.” It isn’t just the good deed itself, it’s the beauty that it manifests.

God wants us to shine our smiles into the darkness of ho hum. He wants us to shine our laughter into the darkness of bah humbug. He wants us to shine our enjoyment of life and silliness into the darkness of frowny faces. He wants us to shine our positive words into the darkness of “My cup is half empty.” He wants us to shine our hope amidst the darkness of severe trials. He wants us to shine our peace amidst the darkness of suffering and loss. He wants us to shine the gospel amidst the darkness of this lost world.

He wants us to shine. As us. For His glory.

So, I’m going to shine obnoxiously bright.

 Let me know how I can pray for you!

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